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Sporting News staff reports

The oldest living former major leaguer, Bill Werber, celebrates his birthday Friday and fondly recalls his time playing alongside Babe Ruth with the New York Yankees.

Werber, a third baseman, told the Charlotte Observer about his first at-bat for the Yankees, in which he took two strikes then four balls, never taking a swing. "I was too scared to move," Werber told the newspaper. "Paralyzed."

Ruth came to the plate a couple batters later and sent a shot into the right-field bleachers. Webber recalls thinking, "I'll show these Yankees how fast I can run." He told the Observer, "The third-base coach was hollering for me to slow down, but I ran on in at full speed. I crossed home plate before Babe got to first base -- he took those little mincing steps, you know. When Babe came into the dugout, he sat on the bench beside me. He patted me on the head and said, 'Son, you don't have to run like that when the Babe hits one.' "

Oldest living major leaguer turns 100....


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