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Sporting News staff reports

Boston Red Sox outfielder Manny Ramirez shoved team traveling secretary Jack McCormick to the ground Saturday in an argument over tickets, the Providence Journal reports.

Ramirez had asked McCormick for 16 tickets for Saturday night's Red Sox-Astros game, which is a high number for a day-of-game request, the Journal reports. When McCormick told Ramirez he might not be able to fulfill the request, Ramirez shouted, "Just do your job!"

An argument followed, and Ramirez pushed McCormick to the ground. Later the two met behind closed doors and Ramirez apologized. McCormick accepted the apology. Manager Terry Francona said Sunday, "Sometimes things happen, and when they do, we choose to handle them internally. I'm satisfied with how we handled this." No disciplinary action is planned.

Manny Ramirez shoves traveling secretary....


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