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Early next year, Major League Baseball will release the number of players who had first-time positive tests for amphetamines in 2008, according to The New York Times. The move is in line with one of the recommendations from the 2007 Mitchell report on performance-enhancing drugs, which advocated the need to make more data and test results public, according to The Times.

The test result numbers, along with other data and information related to the testing program, will be included in a public report to come out sometime in January.
"We believed that adding the yearly reports would allow us to get a better idea of how the program is functioning," Rob Manfred, baseball's executive vice president for labor relations, told The Times.

Major League Baseball started testing for amphetamines in 2006, but according to The Times, the number of first-time positive results for 2006 and 2007 will not be revealed.

Report: MLB to show more amphetamine test data....


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